Our Service Charter

Our service charter reflects our philosophy, values, and commitments.

We have designed this charter to deliver results and an inspiring experience.

We recognize the high impact our business strategy planning and consulting work has on our clients. This influences the way we work with internal and external stakeholders.

Together, we can create lasting organizational change.

Fitch Consulting Service Charter

  • Promote the belief that organizations can, and should, be forces for good for the people who work there and those they serve.

  • Always remember that organizational change has consequences; be fair when working with others. Seek to understand and respond to their concerns, co-creating positive responses wherever possible.

  • Every client situation is unique; build rapport to understand their distinctiveness. To be truly helpful when advising, remain objective and honest.

  • Always build on what exists. Collaborate with client staff to avoid doing what has been done before. Focus on doing what the client struggles with and develop their abilities so they can do it themselves in the future.

  • Identify and address the root causes of problems by combining objective data analysis with discovery of opinions and behaviors.

  • Bring fresh and innovative ideas, inspire creative solutions, and empower the people we work with.

  • Uphold the rights of all those who work for and with us. Always respect and promote cultural, race, color, nationality, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, disability status, and military or veteran status sensitivity and equality.

  • Always seek to minimize our environmental impact. Use advanced communication technologies and avoid unnecessary travel whenever possible.