Generative Strategy

Create a shared and futuristic vision that inspires people with our whole-of organization strategy-building service line.

Generative Strategy and OnFlow

OnFlow creates organizations that are generative – purpose driven, inclusive, creative, and adaptive.

Being generative demands a distinctive approach to creating and implementing strategy – one that enables you to make the tough choices that are inherent in bold endeavor. Our Generative Strategy methodology:

  • Engages the whole organization in analysis and ideation.

  • Actively involves your external stakeholders in imagining the future.

  • Creates a “safe space” to encourage bold thinking that breaks out of the status quo, by imagining what could be, not just what is.

  • Promotes diversity as a core driver of creativity, using Purpose to connect divergent ideas and promote coherent analysis.

  • Combines future-back with present-forward thinking to help create a workable pathway from today to a high-impact tomorrow.

The Generative Strategy approach helps build these qualities, which are essential to your resilience, while creating a compelling and actionable vision of the organization’s future.

We tailor this methodology to your circumstances and needs.

Contact Bob Fitch to find out more about how we can work with you to re-imagine the future.

Generative Strategy in a nutshell

Consider the full spectrum of possibilities by combining “future-back” and “present forward” thinking.

We take you through a systematic full-spectrum analysis of your Purpose, Capabilities, and Opportunities to help you create a strategy that is driven by shared:

  • Commitment to a compelling mission.

  • Anticipation of what will be changing in the world.

  • Understanding of the attributes required to succeed.

These equip you with the Collective Intelligence that you need to deal with today’s Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity. The learning from the full-spectrum analysis combines to formulate a value proposition that leaves no doubt as to the problem to be solved, the solution that is required and what the organization must do to succeed.

Our approach has benefited from a variety of references prominent among which is ‘Full-Spectrum Thinking: How to Escape Boxes in a Post-Categorical Future’, Bob Johansen, March 2020.


What drives us to perform?




What attributes will we need?


What will happen in our world?

The Generative Strategy methodology

Our methodology involves the following building blocks. Its modular approach enables you to make use of the components most essential to you.

1 Situation Analysis*

  • Facilitated workshop(s)

  • Define where you are and why you need to change

2 Stakeholder Profiling*

  • Participative exercise to identify who to engage (+why and how)

  • Produce stakeholder profiles and communications strategy

3 Opportunities Analysis

  • Identification of and research to understand external trends

  • Produce Opportunities Matrix to rate by potential impact & viability

4 Capabilities Analysis

  • OnFlow diagnostic

  • Assessment of key strengths and weaknesses

5 Imagining the Future*

  • Facilitated workshops & envisioning exercises

  • Description and assessment of most promising strategic options

6 Building the Future

  • Testing and selection of strategic options

  • Development of OKRs / Strategic and Operational Framework

*Available as a stand-alone product.

Book a no-cost Thought Partner Consultation to find out how this could work for you.