The OnFlow Diagnostic

The importance of achieving Organizational Flow

The rapidly changing business landscape demands new business models, ones that have been designed to:

  • Continually adapt in a world that is increasingly uncertain, complex, and ambiguous.

  • Blend in-person and virtual work while fostering collaboration and creativity.

  • Understand and respond to the needs and expectations of multiple stakeholders.

We are committed to helping organizations thrive in these challenging conditions. Our holistic design framework, OnFlow, has been created to support organizations by developing tailor-made business models that will ensure they can thrive and survive.

OnFlow is the ideal state within organizations where people – individually and collectively – thrive and excel. When they do, the organization becomes generative, with everybody engaged in finding the best ways to deliver the future. OnFlow is the key to unlocking heightened creativity, increased performance, and accelerated problem-solving within any organization – and the design framework businesses need to diagnose their current state and envision their desired future state. Four qualities and five drivers of change define the OnFlow framework.

To help you create the business model that is right for you, OnFlow comprises a range of products that help you quickly engage people in making necessary changes happen. Our approach is to empower and equip you, starting with a participative diagnostic that delivers immediate actionable insights.

Get started with the OnFlow Diagnostic Survey

The OnFlow Diagnostic Survey has been created to provide our clients with a quick and cost-effective way to identify the actions required to become generative. It also provides a simple way of monitoring your progress in building the flexible and resilient business models you require to thrive. The OnFlow Diagnostic Survey:

  • Is user-friendly.

  • Helps businesses identify their strengths, weaknesses, and organizational priorities for improvement.

  • Ensures everyone in the organization can easily respond.

  • Takes approximately 10-12 minutes to complete.

These elements combine to promote high response rates from all areas of your business. This is key because organization-wide participation yields more meaningful results and builds positive momentum for change.

We administer the survey and analyze the responses, producing your own Diagnostic Report that helps you understand what to do to heighten creativity and accelerate problem-solving, putting you on a firm path to improved performance and organizational growth. We also include a 60-minute Thought Partner Session with one of our senior advisors to help you explore the survey findings and determine your next steps.

We also offer the OnFlow Accelerator Workshop as an optional add-on to help organizations supercharge their results. This workshop will help leadership teams explore root causes for both strengths and areas of improvement. Teams will co-create an action plan together as an outcome of the workshop so they can move the organization forward.

The OnFlow Diagnostic process includes:

*The OnFlow Accelerator Workshop is recommended by our team, but offered as an optional add-on for an additional cost.

Interested? Contact us now and unlock the power of OnFlow!