Fitch Announcement – We’ve Updated Our Website!

We are excited to announce the launch of our new website! While you’ll see many changes in the look/feel of the site, our core has not shifted. We remain dedicated to changing organizations for good, and this purpose continues to drive our work. Our enhanced site is designed to provide you with a better experience and further insights into our commitment to generating Organizational Flow, or OnFlow.

OnFlow is the ideal state within organizations where people - individually and collectively - thrive and excel. Our OnFlow Features highlight the benefits OnFlow can bring to your organization. Purpose, Acumen, Connectivity, and Resilience are qualities that make up OnFlow, while Leadership, People and Culture, Structure, Ways of Working, and Delivering Impact are drivers that play an integral role in making OnFlow a reality. As a holistic design framework, OnFlow helps organizations analyze where they are today and design the organizations they aspire to be.

As your trusted thought partners, we support you on your pathway to achieving OnFlow. Wherever you are on your journey, we offer guidance to help you become the force for good you aspire to be. Peruse our new site to learn more about our work and see if we are the steadfast advisor your organization needs!

Stay on the lookout for more updates this year, including additional information on our services, products, and team. Be sure to regularly view our Blog and Think Pieces for further OnFlow insights.

Want to learn more about us or a particular topic? Reach out today at We look forward to connecting with you!


Creative Collaboration in the Virtual Workspace


Creative Team Management: Creating Space for Creative Change