Fitch Consulting

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Q&A with Jessica Lamb

Meet Jessica Lamb! Jessica joined Fitch this June as a Consultant Analyst, specializing in strategic communications. With a passion for organizational excellence, she constantly looks for ways to improve and promote organizations through new ideas, initiatives, and communications. She works across our product service lines to provide strategic communications advisory to help our clients plan for and implement communication strategies that will contribute to effective project outcomes.

Q1: There is a huge demand for your expertise. What convinced you that Fitch Consulting is the right workplace for you?

A1: I was initially drawn to Fitch because of their purpose. Their mission centers around inspiring and empowering organizations to change for good. And they genuinely care about creating purpose driven, people centered, and change inspired organizations.  I’m someone who wants to make a positive impact within organizations, and communication is such an important part of this. Fitch really fosters a generative culture, which means they value authentic and transparent communication. You can see this in their “generative-strategy” service line. As someone who specializes in strategic communication, I was so excited to find an organization that values the same things I do. At Fitch, I feel like I can help a lot of organizations connect their purpose to strategy, and generate bold and fresh thinking, to really help them thrive.

Q2: How do you intend to help change organizations for good?

A2: Changing organizations for good is something I’ve always been passionate about, but I’ve usually been limited to the organizations I’ve worked for. Now that I’m with Fitch, I can make a larger impact. I get to work with a variety of clients and enable them so they can make positive impacts within their organizations. I specialize in communication and want to ensure everyone I work with feels they can meaningfully contribute to the conversation. My expertise is grounded in research dedicated to interpersonal, group/team, organizational, and rhetorical communication. Because of this, I offer unique insight into the ways relationships, collaboration, identity and image, and persuasion play in the development of people centered workplaces. I plan to use my skills and knowledge to empower others, helping them find fulfillment in the work they do.

Q3: What are your thoughts on Organizational Flow?

A3: Organizational Flow, or OnFlow, is a really cool concept our founder developed. It’s based on famed psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s work on “Flow,” so it’s grounded in convincing research. OnFlow is essentially an ideal state of work, where people – individually and collectively – thrive within their organizations. It’s another reason why I was so excited to get started with Fitch. Communication plays such a major role in generating and sustaining Organizational Flow. By leveraging communication research, we can create purpose driven organizations that enhance the employee experience. I’ve learned that communication is an art, but it’s also a tool. It’s something that impacts each driver of OnFlow: Leadership, People, Culture, Structure, Workflows and Methods, Tools and Technology, and Value Creation. Through thoughtful communication, we can meaningfully contribute to all these areas and create OnFlow together.